ShtëpiCII/OTLastwall Quantum Shield provides defense from Quasar Day dangers

Lastwall Quantum Shield provides defense from Quasar Day dangers

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Lastwall has introduced a new product called Quantum Shield, which aims to protect conventional network infrastructures with the latest quantum cryptographic standards. This launch comes as concerns about identity-related incidents and ‘Steal-Now-Decrypt-Later’ campaigns targeting various sectors continue to rise. The looming threat of a cryptographically relevant quantum computer, known as Q-Day, poses a significant risk as it has the power to break most modern encryptions.

In response to these growing threats, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is preparing to release updated guidance on approved quantum-resilient algorithms in the coming months. This highlights the importance of adopting quantum-resistant solutions to enhance security measures.

Quantum Shield by Lastwall leverages a NIST pre-approved algorithm that integrates Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into the Transport Layer Security (TLS) layer of network traffic. This integration significantly boosts security and allows for rapid updates to accommodate new approved algorithms as NIST standards evolve, making it crypto-agile.

CEO of Lastwall, Karl Holmqvist, emphasizes the importance of quantum cryptographic resilience in their product stack, with the identity platform being built around this core defensive principle. The Quantum Shield offering aims to make this resilience accessible to all organizations, especially as the need to protect critical data becomes more urgent due to advancements in quantum computational capabilities.

Quantum Shield is designed to be a mass-deployable, quantum-safe TLS terminator and load balancer, offering an easy one-click installation process. By seamlessly replacing existing TLS terminators and load balancers, Quantum Shield provides immediate quantum resilience for network data and communications, meeting the highest security, compliance, and efficiency standards.

Feedback from users like John Chen, Chief Information Officer at the Defense Innovation Unit, U.S. Department of Defense, highlights the platform’s evolution over the years to meet increasing security needs. Lastwall’s focus on Zero Trust and secure by design components, along with its ability to exceed compliance requirements, positions it well to address the dynamic threat landscape effectively.

Partners like Blue Bear Capital are proud to support Lastwall’s mission to enhance digital defense solutions and secure critical data and IT infrastructure against emerging cybersecurity threats. Carolin Funk from Blue Bear Capital acknowledges the timeliness and importance of Quantum Shield, especially as NIST prepares to release guidelines on quantum-resilient algorithms.

In conclusion, Lastwall’s Quantum Shield represents a significant step forward in enhancing quantum cryptographic resilience for network infrastructures. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, solutions like Quantum Shield are essential in safeguarding critical data and communications against emerging threats.

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