CyberSecurity SEE

CISO Conversations: The Legal Sector With Alyssa Miller at Epiq and Mark Walmsley at Freshfields – Source:

Two leading Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) in the legal sector, Alyssa Miller of Epiq and Mark Walmsley of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, recently sat down with SecurityWeek to discuss the unique challenges and strategies facing their industry.

Miller, who serves as the CISO at Epiq, a leading provider of legal process outsourcing and technology, highlighted the increased cyber threat landscape that has emerged in the legal sector. She emphasized the need for legal organizations to prioritize data security and invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive client information. Miller also discussed the importance of building a strong security culture within the organization and ensuring that every employee understands their role in maintaining data security.

Walmsley, the CISO at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, a global law firm with a strong focus on cybersecurity and data protection, echoed Miller’s sentiments about the evolving threat landscape. He emphasized the need for law firms to continuously adapt and improve their security posture in response to new and evolving cyber threats. Walmsley also stressed the importance of collaboration and information sharing within the legal sector to collectively defend against cyber threats.

Both CISOs emphasized the critical role of technology in enhancing security capabilities within the legal sector. Miller discussed the importance of leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect and respond to threats more effectively. She also highlighted the need for legal organizations to invest in proactive security measures to stay ahead of potential cyber threats.

Walmsley echoed the need for technology-driven security solutions, emphasizing the importance of robust security tools and practices to protect sensitive client data. He also discussed the significance of regulatory compliance in ensuring data protection and privacy within the legal sector, highlighting the need for legal organizations to stay updated on evolving regulations and compliance requirements.

In addition to technology and compliance, both CISOs stressed the importance of building strong partnerships and relationships within the legal sector to collectively address cybersecurity challenges. Miller highlighted the value of collaboration with industry peers and information sharing to enhance security practices and stay ahead of emerging threats. Walmsley echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the need for a collective industry-wide effort to defend against cyber threats and protect sensitive legal information.

Overall, the conversation with Alyssa Miller and Mark Walmsley shed light on the unique cybersecurity challenges facing the legal sector and the strategies that CISOs are employing to address these challenges. Their insights underscored the critical importance of prioritizing data security, leveraging technology-driven solutions, staying updated on regulatory compliance, and fostering collaboration within the legal industry to effectively defend against cyber threats. By adopting these strategies, CISOs in the legal sector can navigate the evolving threat landscape and safeguard sensitive client information.

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