CyberSecurity SEE

Emerging trends in protecting Software Defined Vehicles – Source:

recommended actions to minimize cyber security risks for connected vehicles:

From the driver’s perspective, it is important to ensure that their mobile devices connecting to their Software Defined Vehicle are protected with a mobile threat prevention tool like Check Point Harmony Mobile. This will help block malicious applications, prevent smishing, and defense against man-in-the-middle attacks. Additionally, drivers should conduct a thorough review of their security and privacy settings for their vehicle, limiting the amount of information shared with auto manufacturers and third parties.

For vehicle manufacturers, the focus should be on implementing robust security measures at all entry points due to the extensive vehicle connectivity that expands the attack surface. It’s also crucial for manufacturers to securely manage their vehicle mobile applications and ensure that OTA updates are delivered through secure channels with authentication checks to maintain software integrity.

Public transportation systems and public safety organizations should prioritize communication with intelligent transportation systems to enhance infrastructure and reduce traffic-related fatalities. Collaborating with experts and adhering to industry best practices will help address the complexities and challenges associated with Internet Connected Software Defined Vehicle cyber security.

Overall, addressing these complexities requires continuous investment in cyber security research, rigorous testing, and partnerships with experts to ensure the safety, security, and privacy of Internet Connected Software Defined Vehicles. With the continued development of connected vehicles, stakeholders must work together to mitigate the risks and vulnerabilities associated with these advanced technologies.

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