CyberSecurity SEE

Epic Games Hacker admits their hack was a scam

Last week, a hacking group known as “Mogilevich” made headlines by claiming to have successfully hacked into Epic Games, a popular gaming company. The group boasted about stealing approximately 200GB of data from the company and even went as far as offering to sell the data to other hackers for a hefty sum of $15,000. However, it has now come to light that the entire hack was nothing more than a bluff orchestrated as part of a larger scam.

According to a report by Cyber Daily, Mogilevich admitted that they faked the hack of Epic Games and several other companies in order to gain notoriety within the hacking community. Their ultimate goal was to sell fake ransomware infrastructure to aspiring hackers, essentially scamming the scammers. Epic Games swiftly responded to the situation by debunking the hack and assuring users of the Epic Games Store and Fortnite that their account information remains secure.

In a tweet from the Epic Games Newsroom, they stated, “Our investigation has concluded. The group’s claims were never legitimate – this was a scam.” This confirmation should alleviate any concerns among Epic Games users who may have feared that their personal data was compromised.

A member of Mogilevich revealed that the group successfully sold their bogus ransomware tools to eight unsuspecting individuals. They further disclosed that they raised their prices at the last minute, raking in more profits from their victims. This isn’t the first time Mogilevich has pulled off such a stunt. They previously claimed to have hacked into drone-maker DJI and allegedly sold fabricated data to a buyer for a sum of $85,000. However, given their track record of deceit, the veracity of this claim remains uncertain.

The revelation of this elaborate scam has sparked discussions among the gaming community, prompting further exploration and analysis. Those interested in delving deeper into the details of the faked Epic Games hack can participate in the conversation on the OC3D Forums.

As the dust settles on this incident, it serves as a stark reminder of the nefarious activities that lurk in the shadows of the digital realm. While the threat of cyber attacks remains a prevalent concern, instances like these shed light on the importance of vigilance and cybersecurity measures in safeguarding sensitive information online. Epic Games’ swift response to the situation underscores the company’s commitment to ensuring the security and integrity of its users’ data.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, it is imperative for individuals and organizations alike to remain proactive in combating malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain. The unraveling of the fake Epic Games hack serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the need for constant vigilance and stringent security protocols in the face of potential threats. Ultimately, by staying informed and proactive, we can collectively work towards a safer and more secure digital environment for all.

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