CyberSecurity SEE

India and Estonia Form Cyber Security Partnership to Address Risks Posed by Chinese Hackers

India and Estonia, two countries with different strengths in the field of cybersecurity, are looking to forge closer ties to combat cyber threats. Estonia, with its reputation as a leader in cybersecurity, and India, known for its prowess in IT, see an opportunity to collaborate and share expertise in this critical area. This move comes at a time when cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and widespread, with China emerging as a major player in this field.

The recent participation of an Indian contingent as observers in a NATO-run cyber security exercise in Estonia marks a significant step towards this partnership. The exercise, dubbed Locked Shields, brought together 32 NATO countries and a select group of invitees to test their cybersecurity capabilities in a simulated environment. Estonian Economic Affairs and Information Technology Minister, Tiit Riisalo, described the exercise as the cyber equivalent of an Olympic event, highlighting its importance in fostering collaboration and enhancing cyber defenses.

In an interview, Riisalo emphasized the need for stronger linkages between India and Estonia in cybersecurity, citing the threat posed by China’s “hacker army.” He stressed the importance of building trust and sharing intelligence to counter cyber threats effectively. Riisalo also acknowledged India’s deeper understanding of Chinese cyber activities, suggesting that this knowledge could be leveraged to strengthen bilateral cooperation in cybersecurity.

Estonian Defense Minister, Hanno Pevkur, echoed Riisalo’s sentiments, warning of the malicious activities carried out by Chinese government-backed hackers. Pevkur emphasized the need for like-minded countries to join forces in combating cyber threats emanating from China. He highlighted the existing collaboration between Estonia and India on cybersecurity issues and called for continued partnership between government agencies and private sector entities to bolster cyber defenses.

Pevkur also mentioned the role of organizations like CR14 in Estonia, which could provide valuable support in addressing cybersecurity challenges. By leveraging the expertise and resources available in both countries, India and Estonia aim to enhance their cybersecurity capabilities and effectively counter cyber threats.

The evolving nature of cyber attacks and the increasing sophistication of cyber criminals underscore the importance of international collaboration in cybersecurity. As countries around the world grapple with the growing threat of cyber warfare, partnerships like the one between India and Estonia are crucial in safeguarding critical infrastructure and data from malicious actors.

Moving forward, India and Estonia are poised to deepen their cooperation in cybersecurity, leveraging their respective strengths to bolster defenses and respond effectively to emerging cyber threats. By fostering greater collaboration and information sharing, the two countries can enhance their cybersecurity posture and contribute to a safer and more secure digital environment for all.

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