CyberSecurity SEE

IT and Security Teams Join Forces to Combat Sophisticated Cyberthreats: Report – CRN

Commvault, a global provider of enterprise data protection and management solutions, has released a new report highlighting the increasing collaboration between IT operations (ITOps) and security teams in combating cyber threats. The report, titled “Overcoming Data Protection Fragmentation for Cyber-Resiliency,” was commissioned in partnership with The Futurum Group and surveyed over 200 C-Suite and senior-level IT executives from across the Americas, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific.

The report found that the traditional silos between ITOps and security teams are beginning to break down, with 99% of respondents indicating that the relationship between the two has become more connected over the past 12 months. Of those who described the relationship as “connected,” 64% stated that they now have shared goals for maintaining the company’s security, and 70% stated that they have joint processes and procedures in place for daily operations. However, there is still work to be done, as only 48% stated that they have established joint processes and procedures in place to mitigate or recover from an incident.

Javier Dominguez, Chief Information Security Officer at Commvault, emphasized the importance of synergies between ITOps, security teams, and the C-suite in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks powered by AI. He stated, “With 19 cyber attacks every second, breaches are inevitable. It’s critical that ITOps and security teams jointly think about recovery as part of an end-to-end security practice tied to the NIST framework.”

The report also highlighted the expected impact of AI on security efforts, with more than two-thirds of respondents indicating that the technology will bolster their security posture by identifying and responding to threats more quickly and accurately. AI is seen as a potential tool for automating employee training, increasing operational efficiency, and enhancing user authentication and access control.

However, organisations continue to grapple with fragmented data protection solutions, with more than 90% of respondents acknowledging the negative impact of data protection fragmentation on their cyber resiliency. Krista Macomber, Research Director at The Futurum Group, pointed out that fragmented data protection tools can drive up costs, create management complexities, and slow down recovery efforts, emphasizing the need for modern platforms that can reduce fragmentation and predict threats faster.

To conduct the research, Commvault commissioned The Futurum Group to survey C-Suite, VP, and Director-level IT Operations and Security professionals. The surveys, collected in September 2023, included respondents from organizations of varying sizes and geographical regions to provide a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities in the realm of cyber-resiliency.

The findings of the report underscore the imperative for organizations to bridge the gap between ITOps and security teams, embrace AI as a tool for enhancing security, and invest in modern data protection platforms to improve cyber resiliency. As cyber threats continue to evolve, collaboration and innovation will be key in staying ahead of the curve and safeguarding critical data and assets.

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