Gogs Vulnerabilities Allow Attackers to Hack Instances and Steal Source Code

The cybersecurity researchers at SonarSource recently uncovered several vulnerabilities in the popular open-source code hosting system, Gogs. These vulnerabilities could potentially lead to source...

FedRAMP Introduces Fresh Framework for Emerging Technologies

The U.S. federal government has recently introduced a new framework designed to prioritize emerging technologies for Federal Risk Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) approval. This initiative aims to pave the way for federal agencies to embrace innovative and modern tech solutions that promise to enhance...

Networking Without Feeling Drained

In the cybersecurity industry, professional networking events and conferences are often saturated with alcohol,...

CSAM Pedophiles Identified Using Dark Web Malware by Tech Times

An innovative law enforcement technique has been uncovered, revealing how information-stealing malware logs on...

Gogs Vulnerabilities Allow Attackers to Hack Instances and Steal Source Code

The cybersecurity researchers at SonarSource recently uncovered several vulnerabilities in the popular open-source code...

FedRAMP Introduces Fresh Framework for Emerging Technologies

The U.S. federal government has recently introduced a new framework designed to prioritize emerging...

Significance of compliance officers

In the realm of data compliance and security, the role of a compliance officer...

Microsoft unveils additional emails compromised in Russian hack

An attack on Microsoft by Russian hackers revealed additional repercussions not initially disclosed, as...

Gogs Vulnerabilities Allow Attackers to Hack Instances and Steal Source Code

The cybersecurity researchers at SonarSource recently uncovered several vulnerabilities in the popular open-source code hosting system, Gogs. These vulnerabilities could potentially lead to source...

Networking Without Feeling Drained

In the cybersecurity industry, professional networking events and conferences are often saturated with alcohol,...

CSAM Pedophiles Identified Using Dark Web Malware by Tech Times

An innovative law enforcement technique has been uncovered, revealing how information-stealing malware logs on...

Networking Without Feeling Drained

In the cybersecurity industry, professional networking events and conferences are often saturated with alcohol,...

Cyber Balkan

Keeper Security osigurava manjinsko ulaganje u kapital Summit Partners

Tvrtka za kibernetičku sigurnost Keeper Security osigurala je značajno manjinsko ulaganje iz dioničkog kapitala globalnog rasta...

Što je pristupni ključ?

Zaporke nastavljaju rasti u popularnosti kao alternativni oblik provjere autentičnosti korisnika koji...

Izvješće ProofPointa: Stres kibernetičke sigurnosti ponovno izlazi na površinu nakon kratkog smirivanja

Nedavno istraživanje koje je provela tvrtka za kibernetičku sigurnost ProofPoint otkrilo je da 68% glavnog...

Metode za otkrivanje ranjivosti PaperCuta mogu se zaobići, a sada su uključeni i iranski cyber napadači. Nova vrsta ransomwarea koristi VPN-ove za prodor u svoj...

Nedavno je otkriveno da se PaperCut metode za otkrivanje ranjivosti lako zaobilaze, omogućujući hakerima...

Napredak u kibernetičkoj sigurnosti umjetne inteligencije: korištenje ChatGPT-a da biste ostali ispred kibernetičkih kriminalaca

Područje kibernetičke sigurnosti brzo se razvilo u posljednje vrijeme kako svijet postaje...

Gogs Vulnerabilities Allow Attackers to Hack Instances and Steal Source Code

The cybersecurity researchers at SonarSource recently uncovered several vulnerabilities in the popular open-source code...

Significance of compliance officers

In the realm of data compliance and security, the role of a compliance officer...

The Scourge of Ransomware in Cyber Defense Magazine

Ransomware has emerged as a significant threat in the modern world, wreaking havoc on...

Delilah Schwartz iz Cybersixgilla govori o rastućem mračnom webu i novim prijetnjama od ChatGPT-a i drugih AI tehnologija.

Delilah Schwartz, analitičarka cyber prijetnji iz Cybersixgilla, nedavno je dala pronicljiv intervju...

Rizik i ponavljanje: Jesu li napadi iznuđivanja podataka jednaki ransomwareu?

Prijetnja ransomwarea pretrpjela je značajne promjene, što je dovelo do transformacije u...

Salt Security surađuje s vodećim stručnjacima za testiranje API-ja u IT sigurnosti

Salt Security je pokrenuo svoj program Salt Technical Ecosystem Partner (STEP), čiji je cilj pomoći...

Velika povreda podataka: Instagram, TikTok, Yahoo incident

Došlo je do velikog curenja podataka, što je utjecalo na nekoliko popularnih platformi društvenih medija kao što su...

BlackByte 2.0 Ransomware koristi razne alate u 5 dana

Microsoft Incident Response nedavno je proveo istragu o upadu ransomwarea koji je pokazao...

Što je pristupni ključ?

Zaporke nastavljaju rasti u popularnosti kao alternativni oblik provjere autentičnosti korisnika koji...


Top 7 SOC 2 Compliance Software for 2024

In 2024, the importance of data security and compliance with standards like SOC 2 is at an all-time high, as data breaches continue to make headlines. Navigating the complexities of SOC 2 compliance can be daunting for companies, which is why the right software...

Nokoyawa Ransomware iskorištava ranjivosti sustava Windows Zero Day

Izvješće koje je nedavno objavio Kaspersky Labs rasvijetlilo je prijetnju koja...

Odbor PEGA zalaže se za ograničenja komercijalnog špijunskog softvera

Odbor Europskog parlamenta koji istražuje zlouporabu komercijalnih špijunskih alata kao što je Pegasus...

Barings Law: UK soldiers’ banking details leaked to China

In a recent development, a UK-based law firm, Barings, has revealed a disturbing incident...

Packet Storm Uncovered Fresh Exploits In June 2024

In June of 2024, Packet Storm made a significant update by adding a total...


Meta and YouTube Announce Updates to Their AI Content Policies

Meta and YouTube have recently made updates to their artificial intelligence policies in response to the rise of altered content on their platforms. These...

Objašnjavanje razlike između simetrične i asimetrične enkripcije

Podaci su danas jedno od najvrjednijih sredstava svake organizacije. Ogromna...

Significance of compliance officers

In the realm of data compliance and security, the role of a compliance officer...

Cisco Patches an Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability from databreachtoday.com

In a recent cyber attack development, China-nexus hackers, known as Velvet Ant, were able to exploit a zero-day vulnerability in Cisco's NX-OS software back in April. This allowed the hackers to execute arbitrary commands on compromised devices, posing a significant threat to cybersecurity. Cisco addressed...

Juniper Issues Urgent Patch for Critical Vulnerability

Juniper Networks has taken swift action to address a critical vulnerability in three of its products that could potentially allow attackers to bypass authentication....

Cyber arhitektura

Gogs Vulnerabilities Allow Attackers to Hack Instances and Steal Source Code

The cybersecurity researchers at SonarSource recently uncovered several vulnerabilities in the popular open-source code...

Significance of compliance officers

In the realm of data compliance and security, the role of a compliance officer...

Half of Employees are Afraid of Punishment for Reporting Security Mistakes

A recent report by ThinkCyber, based on a survey conducted at Infosecurity Europe 2024,...

Passkeys are not immune to attacks until they are properly implemented.

A recent study conducted by cybersecurity researchers revealed a concerning vulnerability in GitHub's login...

Voice Messages: the Latest Cybercrime Frontier

The surge in popularity of voice messages, particularly among the younger demographic, has attracted the attention of malicious actors seeking to exploit this trend for their own benefit. AI-generated audio deepfakes have emerged as a significant threat in the realm of cyberattacks, particularly those...

Svi članci

Gogs Vulnerabilities Allow Attackers to Hack Instances and Steal Source Code

The cybersecurity researchers at SonarSource recently uncovered several vulnerabilities in the popular open-source code...

FedRAMP Introduces Fresh Framework for Emerging Technologies

The U.S. federal government has recently introduced a new framework designed to prioritize emerging...

Networking Without Feeling Drained

In the cybersecurity industry, professional networking events and conferences are often saturated with alcohol,...

CSAM Pedophiles Identified Using Dark Web Malware by Tech Times

An innovative law enforcement technique has been uncovered, revealing how information-stealing malware logs on...

Significance of compliance officers

In the realm of data compliance and security, the role of a compliance officer...

Microsoft unveils additional emails compromised in Russian hack

An attack on Microsoft by Russian hackers revealed additional repercussions not initially disclosed, as...

Meta and YouTube Announce Updates to Their AI Content Policies

Meta and YouTube have recently made updates to their artificial intelligence policies in response...

Bay Area Credit Union Faces Challenges in Restoring Operations Following Ransomware Attack

Tens of thousands of customers of Bay Area credit union Patelco are still grappling...

Top 7 SOC 2 Compliance Software for 2024

In 2024, the importance of data security and compliance with standards like SOC 2...

Hackers issue unexpected apology following ransomware attack on Indonesian government data centres

In a surprising turn of events, the hackers responsible for a major cyber attack...

IoT Devices Vulnerable to Hacking, Including Grills

Household appliances and devices are increasingly being connected to the Internet, making them vulnerable...

The Scourge of Ransomware in Cyber Defense Magazine

Ransomware has emerged as a significant threat in the modern world, wreaking havoc on...