DomCyber BalkanEurovizijsko natjecanje zabrinuto zbog rizika od kibernetičkih napada

Eurovizijsko natjecanje zabrinuto zbog rizika od kibernetičkih napada

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The upcoming Eurovision contest, scheduled to take place on Saturday, is reportedly facing a potential cyber attack from pro-Russian hackers. Broadcasters are said to be extremely concerned about the possible sabotage and have enlisted the help of experts at the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre to minimize the risk.

Speaking about the situation, Kate Phillips, the BBC’s director of unscripted programmes, revealed that there are numerous contingency plans in place in the event of any incident. She also added that every possible precaution has been taken to ensure that the event is as secure as possible. “I don’t want to say we’re pretty attack-proof but we’ve done everything we can to make sure the event is as secure as possible so people don’t have to worry about that,” she stated.

According to reports, the primary aim of the pro-Russian hackers is to disrupt the public vote on the night of the Eurovision contest, thereby undermining the integrity of the results. While there has been no specific intelligence about an attack being planned on the night of the event, the broadcasters are still taking the threat seriously and are working hard to prevent any interference.

Despite the concerns about a potential cyber attack, Eurovision fans are eagerly awaiting the event, which has been a much-loved tradition across Europe for decades. With the contest now spanning more than 40 countries, it is a celebration of music, diversity, and unity amongst nations. The contestants are chosen through a national selection process, and it is often a dream come true for the winners who get to perform in front of millions of viewers on the night of the contest.

Given the high stakes involved in the Eurovision contest, it is no surprise that broadcasters are taking no chances when it comes to security. While a cyber attack could potentially cause chaos and wreak havoc, it is reassuring to know that there are plans in place to minimize any impact of such an attack.

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre has vowed to work closely with broadcasters to ensure that any potential threats are dealt with swiftly and that the event runs smoothly. They have also advised members of the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity they may notice. Eurovision is an event that deserves to be enjoyed by all, and with the right measures in place, it will undoubtedly be a night to remember.

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