DomCII/OTPunchmade Dev, reper za e-kriminal, debitira s Card Shopom na Krebsu o sigurnosti

Punchmade Dev, reper za e-kriminal, debitira s Card Shopom na Krebsu o sigurnosti

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The rapper and social media personality known as Punchmade Dev has gained notoriety for his music videos and social media content that glorifies cybercrime. With hits like “Internet Swiping” and “Million Dollar Criminal,” he has amassed millions of views and is capitalizing on his popularity to sell tutorials on committing online financial crimes.

However, there has been little evidence to support the claim that Punchmade Dev is involved in cybercrimes himself. Some critics have suggested that his persona could simply be a form of savvy marketing. That changed when Punchmade began promoting a web shop selling stolen payment cards, identity data, and hacked financial accounts.

The official Punchmade Dev Instagram account links to various rap videos and tutorials on cybercriming, as well as other social media profiles and websites. Among these is punchmade[.]atshop[.]io, which is selling hacked bank accounts and payment cards with high balances.

This new promotion raised questions about Punchmade’s involvement in illegal activities. The website offers a variety of stolen and fraudulent items for sale, including Cash App accounts with high balances and “Fullz + Linkable CC” sets. The site also accepts cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

In the face of mounting evidence, the identity of Punchmade Dev is being scrutinized. His public persona is defined by his flashy jewelry, with customized, diamond-covered necklaces, as well as his Kentucky-themed chains.

The Spotify profile of Punchmade Dev describes him as a multi-talented artist and entrepreneur known for utilizing technology, video gaming, and social media to build a fanbase. The profile also mentions the launch of his own record label, Punchmade Records, in 2021.

Investigations into the business activities of Punchmade Dev have revealed that his assumed name, Punchmade LLC, is linked to OBN Group LLC. The president of OBN Group LLC is listed as Devon Turner. Records also show the existence of a now-defunct entity called DevTakeFlightBeats Inc., also associated with Turner. His association with these entities has raised further questions about his involvement in criminal activities.

In an attempt to shed light on the person behind Punchmade Dev, a YouTube channel shared a video documenting the life of Devon Turner. The video reveals that he was born in October 2000 and was raised by a single mother. Turner was involved in sports during high school, but it was his entry into competitive online gaming that led to his rise to fame.

The documentary shed light on the dangers Turner could potentially face as a result of his controversial public image. The video recounted previous incidents where Turner was shot at and robbed, highlighting the potential consequences of his risky behavior.

The existence of Dev as a multi-faceted character is raising increasing concerns as to his criminal involvement. Investigations into his business activities, combined with his public persona, point to serious questions about his ethics and involvement in illegal activities. The ongoing scrutiny of Punchmade Dev’s actions continues to unravel new information about his supposed cybercriminal empire.

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