DomCII/OTThrowing Cash at Tools Isn't Helping Detect Breaches

Throwing Cash at Tools Isn’t Helping Detect Breaches

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The global information security spend is expected to touch a new high of $215 billion by the end of 2024, reflecting the escalating concerns around cybersecurity threats worldwide. However, a recent survey conducted among chief information security officers (CISOs) unveils a troubling reality – despite the significant investment in security measures, a staggering 44% of CISOs have admitted to missing a data breach within the last 12 months due to inadequacies in their existing tools.

The survey, which interviewed 234 CISOs globally, highlighted a critical blind spot in their security posture, particularly concerning hybrid cloud infrastructure and data-in-transit. Eight out of 10 CISOs identified these areas as their top concerns, emphasizing the vulnerability of data in motion where a staggering 93% of malware historically lurks. With such alarming statistics, 84% of CISOs emphasized the urgent need for enhanced visibility into encrypted traffic, making it a top priority for the upcoming year.

Chaim Mazal, Chief Security Officer at Gigamon, emphasized the evolving landscape of cybersecurity and the importance of discerning between acceptable and unacceptable risks in today’s digital realm. Mazal underlined the necessity for CISOs to redefine their approach towards security, stressing the crucial role of visibility into data-in-motion to safeguard complex hybrid cloud infrastructure against emerging threats. Recognizing the inadequacy of current security approaches, Mazal emphasized the imperative for CISOs to reassess their tool stacks, prioritize investments, and allocate resources effectively to fortify their security infrastructure.

The survey also shed light on the growing consensus among CISOs regarding the indispensability of deep observability in hybrid cloud environments. An overwhelming 82% of surveyed CISOs expressed a keen interest in enhancing observability within their hybrid cloud infrastructures, with 85% emphasizing the need for visibility into packet-level and application metadata. The significance of these elements was echoed by boards as well, with 81% of CISOs foreseeing hybrid cloud infrastructure as a prioritized area for budget allocation in 2025.

Stephen Elliott, Group Vice President of IT Operations, Observability, and CloudOps at IDC, underscored the symbiotic relationship between security and observability in modern cybersecurity practices. Elliott highlighted the pivotal role of network-derived intelligence in informing security operations and vice versa, enabling security teams to comprehend the true impact of threats and prioritize their responses efficiently.

As CISOs gear up to confront the evolving threat landscape, optimizing existing tools emerges as a key strategy to combat the growing complexity of cybersecurity challenges. With three-quarters of CISOs feeling overwhelmed by the plethora of tools and alerts at their disposal, a strategic focus on consolidating and optimizing existing tools for hybrid cloud data and infrastructure emerges as a top priority for 60% of surveyed CISOs in 2025.

In conclusion, the survey outcomes underscore the urgent need for a paradigm shift in cybersecurity strategies, with a renewed focus on enhancing visibility, deep observability, and optimizing existing tools to fortify defenses against the sophisticated cyber threats lurking in the digital realm. It is imperative for CISOs to realign their priorities, reassess investments, and streamline their security approach to safeguard against evolving cyber threats effectively.

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