Kolkata residents have fallen victim to cyber fraud amounting to a staggering Rs 100 crore in the past year, revealed Kolkata Police Commissioner Manoj Kumar Verma during the monthly crime conference on Saturday. The alarming statistics indicate that only 15% of the defrauded amount was able to be recovered, highlighting the severity of the issue.
Various fraudulent methods have been identified as contributing to this significant loss, including schemes involving ticket booking, digital arrest, intimidation related to drug trafficking, KYC updates, bait of investment in shares, and OTP scams. These tactics have been employed by cybercriminals to deceive unsuspecting individuals and siphon off large sums of money.
Bivas Chatterjee, Special Public Prosecutor of cyber cases and a renowned cyber expert, emphasized the rapid rise of cybercrime in the region. He warned that in a few years, cybercrime could become the predominant form of criminal activity, with white-collar fraudsters increasingly focusing on virtual platforms. Chatterjee further revealed that many of these crimes are orchestrated from international locations such as Cambodia, Dubai, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong, making it challenging for law enforcement to track down the perpetrators.
In response to the escalating cyber threat, the Bengal Cyber Crime unit has launched a dedicated 24/7 helpline (1930) to facilitate the reporting of complaints on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal. This initiative aims to provide immediate assistance to victims of cyber fraud and enhance coordination in investigating such cases.
Furthermore, the central government has taken proactive measures to combat cybercrime on a national scale. Recent reports from the Union Home Ministry indicate that over 6 lakh SIM cards and 1 lakh IMEI numbers linked to fraudulent activities have been blocked. Additionally, it was revealed that an impressive sum of Rs 3,431 crore has been recovered from more than 9,94,000 cyber fraud complaints across the country, as per the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report for 2022.
The concerted efforts to address cybercrime reflect a growing recognition of the need for robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard individuals and businesses from online threats. With the support of law enforcement agencies, government initiatives, and public awareness campaigns, there is hope for a more secure digital landscape in the future. However, continued vigilance and cooperation from all stakeholders are essential to effectively combat the evolving challenges posed by cyber fraud.