How Attackers Can Track Victim Web Traffic with SnailLoad

Researchers at Graz University of Technology in Austria have unveiled a new form of cyber attack known as SnailLoad that leverages network latency to...

How Data Inference Could Expose Customer Information in the UnitedHealth Breach

In 2024, the cybersecurity landscape has been marred by numerous high-profile data breaches, causing significant harm to companies and their clientele. Among the industries hardest hit by these breaches is healthcare, with the UnitedHealth data breach standing out as one of the most severe...

How Data Inference Could Expose Customer Information in the UnitedHealth Breach

In 2024, the cybersecurity landscape has been marred by numerous high-profile data breaches, causing...

A Revamp of Web Security

Google Chrome is set to implement a major security measure by distrusting certificates issued...

6.1 Million Individuals Notified of 2023 Hack by Insurance Software Vendor – Source:

IMS McCamish Systems, a subsidiary of InfoSys BPM Limited, revealed a massive data breach...

How Attackers Can Track Victim Web Traffic with SnailLoad

Researchers at Graz University of Technology in Austria have unveiled a new form of...

Gas Chromatographs Found to Have Multiple Vulnerabilities – Source:

Critical-Severity Flaws Expose Emerson Devices to Cyberattacks Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Emerson gas chromatographs have...

Cyberattack on India through Data Breach and Ransomware Threats, not Online Trolling of Prime Minister or LoP

In the modern world, where technology reigns supreme, data security has become a critical...

How Attackers Can Track Victim Web Traffic with SnailLoad

Researchers at Graz University of Technology in Austria have unveiled a new form of cyber attack known as SnailLoad that leverages network latency to...

How Data Inference Could Expose Customer Information in the UnitedHealth Breach

In 2024, the cybersecurity landscape has been marred by numerous high-profile data breaches, causing...

A Revamp of Web Security

Google Chrome is set to implement a major security measure by distrusting certificates issued...

How Data Inference Could Expose Customer Information in the UnitedHealth Breach

In 2024, the cybersecurity landscape has been marred by numerous high-profile data breaches, causing...

Сајбер Балкан

Кеепер Сецурити обезбеђује улагање у капитал мањина од партнера на Самиту

Фирма за сајбер безбедност Кеепер Сецурити обезбедила је значајну мањинску инвестицију из глобалног капитала за раст...

Шта је приступни кључ?

Приступни кључеви настављају са порастом популарности као алтернативни облик аутентификације корисника који...

Извештај ПроофПоинт: Стрес у вези са сајбер-безбедношћу поново се појављује након кратког смиривања

Недавно истраживање које је спровела фирма за сајбер безбедност ПроофПоинт открила је да је 681ТП3Т главног...

Методе за откривање рањивости ПаперЦут-а се могу заобићи, а сада су укључени и ирански сајбер нападачи. Нова врста рансомваре-а користи ВПН-ове да продре у своје...

Недавно је откривено да се методе откривања рањивости ПаперЦут лако заобилазе, што омогућава хакерима...

Напредак у АИ сајбер безбедности: Коришћење ЦхатГПТ-а да остане испред сајбер криминалаца

Област сајбер безбедности је брзо еволуирала у последње време како свет постаје...

EDR vs. antivirus: Understanding the distinction

Enterprises are faced with a plethora of options when it comes to endpoint security...

One-Click Exploit in Kakaotalk’s Android App Enables Arbitrary Code Execution

KakaoTalk, a popular Android application with over 100 million users, has been recently found...

The four phases of emergency management

IT leaders must be prepared to deal with unplanned incidents. When a disruptive event...

Делилах Сцхвартз из Циберсикгилл говори о развоју мрачног веба и новим претњама из ЦхатГПТ-а и других АИ технологија.

Делилах Сцхвартз, аналитичарка сајбер претњи из Циберсикгилл-а, недавно је дала проницљив интервју...

Ризик и понављање: Да ли су напади изнуде података еквивалентни рансомваре-у?

Пејзаж претњи рансомвера је претрпео значајне промене, што је довело до трансформације у...

Салт Сецурити сарађује са водећим стручњацима за тестирање АПИ-ја у ИТ безбедности

Салт Сецурити је покренуо свој програм Салт Тецхницал Ецосистем Партнер (СТЕП) са циљем да помогне...

Велика повреда података: Инстаграм, ТикТок, Иахоо инцидент

Дошло је до великог цурења података које је утицало на неколико популарних платформи друштвених медија као што су...

БлацкБите 2.0 Рансомваре користи различите алате за 5 дана

Мицрософт Инцидент Респонсе је недавно спровео истрагу о упаду рансомвера који је показао...

Шта је приступни кључ?

Приступни кључеви настављају са порастом популарности као алтернативни облик аутентификације корисника који...

Злонамерних програма

CISA chief rejects idea of banning ransomware payments

Jen Easterly, the director of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, expressed skepticism about the possibility of the United States implementing a ban on ransomware payments during her appearance at the Oxford Cyber Forum. The event, organized by the University of Oxford's Blavatnik...

Нокоиава Рансомваре користи рањивости Виндовс Зеро Даи

Извештај који је недавно објавио Касперски Лабс расветлио је актера претњи који...

ПЕГА Комитет се залаже за ограничења комерцијалног шпијунског софтвера

Комитет Европског парламента који истражује злоупотребу комерцијалних шпијунских алата као што је Пегасус...

Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Ollama

Ollama, a popular software program, has recently come under scrutiny due to a critical...

Gas Chromatographs Discovered to Have Multiple Vulnerabilities

In a recent discovery by security researchers, multiple critical vulnerabilities have been identified in...


6.1 Million Individuals Notified of 2023 Hack by Insurance Software Vendor – Source:

IMS McCamish Systems, a subsidiary of InfoSys BPM Limited, revealed a massive data breach that affected nearly 6.1 million individuals, including 11,866 residents of...

Објашњење разлике између симетричног и асиметричног шифровања

Подаци су једна од највреднијих средстава за сваку организацију данас. Огромна...

Gas Chromatographs Found to Have Multiple Vulnerabilities – Source:

Critical-Severity Flaws Expose Emerson Devices to Cyberattacks Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Emerson gas chromatographs have...

Chinese State Actors Employ Ransomware to Hide True Motives

A recent report has raised alarm over Chinese APT groups utilizing ransomware in attacks to mask their true intent of cyber-espionage. The report, compiled by SentinelLabs and Recorded Future, identified two umbrella groups behind these malicious activities. The first group, known as ChamelGang or CamoFei,...

Cryptohack Roundup: Conviction in Home Invasions Case – Source:

The recent incidents in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have raised serious concerns about the security and safety of digital assets. From...

Цибер Арцхитецтуре

EDR vs. antivirus: Understanding the distinction

Enterprises are faced with a plethora of options when it comes to endpoint security...

One-Click Exploit in Kakaotalk’s Android App Enables Arbitrary Code Execution

KakaoTalk, a popular Android application with over 100 million users, has been recently found...

Startup Odaseva secures $54M funding for enhanced global expansion and R&D

California-based data security startup Odaseva has recently secured $54 million in Series C funding,...

IT Leaders are divided on using GenAI for Cybersecurity

A recent study conducted by Corelight has revealed a lack of agreement among European...

China, Russia, and Iran are targeting America’s drinking water

The recent cyberattack on the water system in Wichita, Kansas, is just one example of the growing threat to America's critical infrastructure. Hackers targeted water metering, billing, and payment processing systems, highlighting the vulnerabilities that exist in the nation's water utilities. This attack is...

Сви чланци

6.1 Million Individuals Notified of 2023 Hack by Insurance Software Vendor – Source:

IMS McCamish Systems, a subsidiary of InfoSys BPM Limited, revealed a massive data breach...

How Attackers Can Track Victim Web Traffic with SnailLoad

Researchers at Graz University of Technology in Austria have unveiled a new form of...

How Data Inference Could Expose Customer Information in the UnitedHealth Breach

In 2024, the cybersecurity landscape has been marred by numerous high-profile data breaches, causing...

A Revamp of Web Security

Google Chrome is set to implement a major security measure by distrusting certificates issued...

Gas Chromatographs Found to Have Multiple Vulnerabilities – Source:

Critical-Severity Flaws Expose Emerson Devices to Cyberattacks Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Emerson gas chromatographs have...

Cyberattack on India through Data Breach and Ransomware Threats, not Online Trolling of Prime Minister or LoP

In the modern world, where technology reigns supreme, data security has become a critical...

CISA chief rejects idea of banning ransomware payments

Jen Easterly, the director of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, expressed skepticism...

5 Key Security Measures for Safeguarding IoT Devices

The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices into our daily lives has brought...

Chinese State Actors Employ Ransomware to Hide True Motives

A recent report has raised alarm over Chinese APT groups utilizing ransomware in attacks...

Hackers stole my shop’s Instagram account and requested a €1k ransom

A small business owner in Sale, Sacha Lees, has been left devastated after hackers...

Microsoft and Proximus Declare 5-Year Strategic Collaboration

Microsoft and Proximus Group have recently formalized a 5-year strategic partnership, aimed at bolstering...

Insurance Software Company Alerts 6.1 Million Customers of 2023 Data Breach

Infosys McCamish Systems, an insurance software product and services vendor, recently sent out notifications...