КућаЦИИ/ОТ76 percent of companies enhance cyber defenses to qualify for cyber insurance

76 percent of companies enhance cyber defenses to qualify for cyber insurance

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A recent survey conducted by cybersecurity company Sophos titled, “Cyber Insurance and Cyber Defenses 2024: Lessons from IT and Cybersecurity Leaders,” sheds light on the impact of cyber insurance on security investments. The survey indicates that 97% of organizations with a cyber policy have bolstered their defenses to meet insurance requirements.

The survey highlights that 76% of these organizations stated that the enhancements helped them qualify for coverage, 67% achieved better pricing, and 30% secured improved policy terms. This underscores the influence of cyber insurance on driving organizations to improve their overall cybersecurity posture.

However, the survey also revealed a concerning trend where recovery costs from cyberattacks are surpassing insurance coverage. Only one percent of entities that filed a claim reported that their insurer covered 100% of the expenses incurred during the remediation process following a cyber incident. The primary reason cited for the policy not covering all costs was that the total bill exceeded the policy limit.

According to data from “The State of Ransomware 2024” survey, recovery costs after a ransomware attack have surged by 50% over the past year, averaging $2.73 million. This sharp increase in costs underscores the growing financial impact of cyber incidents on organizations.

Chester Wisniewski, Director, Global Field CTO at Sophos, emphasized the importance of adhering to basic cybersecurity best practices to mitigate the risk of cyber incidents. Wisniewski highlighted that compromised credentials and the lack of multi-factor authentication are common vulnerabilities that expose organizations to cyber threats.

While cyber insurance has played a pivotal role in incentivizing organizations to invest in cybersecurity measures, Wisniewski noted that it is only one component of a robust risk mitigation strategy. Companies must continue to fortify their defenses to protect against the evolving threat landscape.

The survey further revealed that 99% of organizations that enhanced their defenses for insurance purposes experienced broader security benefits beyond insurance coverage. These benefits included improved protection, resource optimization, and a reduction in security alerts.

Wisniewski expressed optimism about the potential for investments in cyber defenses to have a ripple effect on enhancing overall security posture. As companies continue to adopt cyber insurance, there is a hope that the collective security landscape will improve, albeit not eradicating cyber threats entirely.

The data for the “Cyber Insurance and Cyber Defenses 2024” report was gathered from a survey of 5,000 cybersecurity and IT leaders across 14 countries. Organizations of varying sizes and revenue brackets participated in the survey, providing insights into the intersection of cyber insurance and security investments.

In conclusion, the survey underscores the symbiotic relationship between cyber insurance and cybersecurity investments, emphasizing the need for organizations to continually evolve their defenses to effectively combat cyber threats in an increasingly digitized world.

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