Multi-Malware Cluster Bomb Campaign Creates Chaos in Cyberspace.

Researchers have uncovered a new cyber threat actor named "Unfurling Hemlock" that is utilizing a unique tactic to spread malware across systems in the...

Qualys reports reintroduction of OpenSSH bug after patch

Qualys, a cybersecurity firm, issued a notification stating that more than 14 million servers worldwide could be at risk from a vulnerability in OpenSSH, a remote server management and file transfer tool. This flaw, known as "regreSSHion," allows hackers to exploit unauthenticated remote code...

Cybercrime and Security Market Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

The Global Cybercrime and Security Market has been experiencing continuous growth in recent years...

Australian Police Arrest Suspect in Wi-Fi Scam Targeting Airports

A 42-year-old Australian resident has been apprehended by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for...

Multi-Malware Cluster Bomb Campaign Creates Chaos in Cyberspace.

Researchers have uncovered a new cyber threat actor named "Unfurling Hemlock" that is utilizing...

Qualys reports reintroduction of OpenSSH bug after patch

Qualys, a cybersecurity firm, issued a notification stating that more than 14 million servers...

Millions of servers at risk due to critical OpenSSH vulnerability

Qualys has recently uncovered a critical vulnerability in OpenSSH and has raised concerns about...

Hacker group accessed emails of Microsoft customers

Microsoft has recently begun reaching out to certain customers to alert them that their...

Multi-Malware Cluster Bomb Campaign Creates Chaos in Cyberspace.

Researchers have uncovered a new cyber threat actor named "Unfurling Hemlock" that is utilizing a unique tactic to spread malware across systems in the...

Cybercrime and Security Market Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

The Global Cybercrime and Security Market has been experiencing continuous growth in recent years...

Australian Police Arrest Suspect in Wi-Fi Scam Targeting Airports

A 42-year-old Australian resident has been apprehended by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for...

Cybercrime and Security Market Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

The Global Cybercrime and Security Market has been experiencing continuous growth in recent years...

Сајбер Балкан

Кеепер Сецурити обезбеђује улагање у капитал мањина од партнера на Самиту

Фирма за сајбер безбедност Кеепер Сецурити обезбедила је значајну мањинску инвестицију из глобалног капитала за раст...

Шта је приступни кључ?

Приступни кључеви настављају са порастом популарности као алтернативни облик аутентификације корисника који...

Извештај ПроофПоинт: Стрес у вези са сајбер-безбедношћу поново се појављује након кратког смиривања

Недавно истраживање које је спровела фирма за сајбер безбедност ПроофПоинт открила је да је 681ТП3Т главног...

Методе за откривање рањивости ПаперЦут-а се могу заобићи, а сада су укључени и ирански сајбер нападачи. Нова врста рансомваре-а користи ВПН-ове да продре у своје...

Недавно је откривено да се методе откривања рањивости ПаперЦут лако заобилазе, што омогућава хакерима...

Напредак у АИ сајбер безбедности: Коришћење ЦхатГПТ-а да остане испред сајбер криминалаца

Област сајбер безбедности је брзо еволуирала у последње време како свет постаје...

Millions of servers at risk due to critical OpenSSH vulnerability

Qualys has recently uncovered a critical vulnerability in OpenSSH and has raised concerns about...

Sony Enters Cryptocurrency Exchange Market by Acquiring Amber

Sony Group, a renowned Japanese conglomerate known for its expertise in gaming, music, and...

Best 10 Cybersecurity Interview Questions and Answers

In the competitive field of information security, job seekers face the challenge of impressing...

Делилах Сцхвартз из Циберсикгилл говори о развоју мрачног веба и новим претњама из ЦхатГПТ-а и других АИ технологија.

Делилах Сцхвартз, аналитичарка сајбер претњи из Циберсикгилл-а, недавно је дала проницљив интервју...

Ризик и понављање: Да ли су напади изнуде података еквивалентни рансомваре-у?

Пејзаж претњи рансомвера је претрпео значајне промене, што је довело до трансформације у...

Салт Сецурити сарађује са водећим стручњацима за тестирање АПИ-ја у ИТ безбедности

Салт Сецурити је покренуо свој програм Салт Тецхницал Ецосистем Партнер (СТЕП) са циљем да помогне...

Велика повреда података: Инстаграм, ТикТок, Иахоо инцидент

Дошло је до великог цурења података које је утицало на неколико популарних платформи друштвених медија као што су...

БлацкБите 2.0 Рансомваре користи различите алате за 5 дана

Мицрософт Инцидент Респонсе је недавно спровео истрагу о упаду рансомвера који је показао...

Шта је приступни кључ?

Приступни кључеви настављају са порастом популарности као алтернативни облик аутентификације корисника који...

Злонамерних програма

Pressure mounts for Indonesia’s communications minister to resign after cyberattack

The Indonesian communications and informatics minister, Budi Arie Setiadi, is under intense public scrutiny and pressure to resign after a large-scale ransomware attack targeted the country's national data center, disrupting over 200 institutions, including government agencies. The incident has sparked outrage among Indonesians, leading...

Нокоиава Рансомваре користи рањивости Виндовс Зеро Даи

Извештај који је недавно објавио Касперски Лабс расветлио је актера претњи који...

ПЕГА Комитет се залаже за ограничења комерцијалног шпијунског софтвера

Комитет Европског парламента који истражује злоупотребу комерцијалних шпијунских алата као што је Пегасус...

Monitoring the Cybersecurity Job Market

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for...

Decrease in Cyber Insurance demand as businesses strengthen cybersecurity defenses

Businesses across the UK are taking significant steps to bolster their cybersecurity defenses in...


Australian Police Arrest Suspect in Wi-Fi Scam Targeting Airports

A 42-year-old Australian resident has been apprehended by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for allegedly setting up a network of fraudulent free Wi-Fi access...

Објашњење разлике између симетричног и асиметричног шифровања

Подаци су једна од највреднијих средстава за сваку организацију данас. Огромна...

Millions of servers at risk due to critical OpenSSH vulnerability

Qualys has recently uncovered a critical vulnerability in OpenSSH and has raised concerns about...

Meta’s Pay or Consent Data Model Violates EU Law

The EU Commission has raised concerns about Meta's 'pay or consent' model, stating that it violates EU law by not allowing users to freely consent to their personal data being collected for advertising purposes. The Commission's initial assessment is that Meta's new approach does...

Cyber Insurance Premiums Decline as Firms Strengthen Resilience

The cyber insurance market has seen a significant reduction in premiums over the past year, with double-digit price cuts being attributed to the improved...

Цибер Арцхитецтуре

Millions of servers at risk due to critical OpenSSH vulnerability

Qualys has recently uncovered a critical vulnerability in OpenSSH and has raised concerns about...

Sony Enters Cryptocurrency Exchange Market by Acquiring Amber

Sony Group, a renowned Japanese conglomerate known for its expertise in gaming, music, and...

Vulnerability in OpenSSH Allows Complete System Takeover

A critical vulnerability in OpenSSH has put over 14 million instances at risk of...

Google to permit isolated web applications on Chrome access to sensitive USB devices

Google has introduced a new feature that enhances the security of isolated web applications...

Questioning Potential Fraud: The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

In a world where cybercrime continues to rise, individuals must be vigilant and proactive in protecting themselves from fraudulent activities. With the increasing prevalence of online scams, phishing attempts, and cyberattacks, it is crucial for everyone to stop and think before sharing personal information...

Сви чланци

Multi-Malware Cluster Bomb Campaign Creates Chaos in Cyberspace.

Researchers have uncovered a new cyber threat actor named "Unfurling Hemlock" that is utilizing...

Qualys reports reintroduction of OpenSSH bug after patch

Qualys, a cybersecurity firm, issued a notification stating that more than 14 million servers...

Cybercrime and Security Market Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

The Global Cybercrime and Security Market has been experiencing continuous growth in recent years...

Australian Police Arrest Suspect in Wi-Fi Scam Targeting Airports

A 42-year-old Australian resident has been apprehended by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for...

Millions of servers at risk due to critical OpenSSH vulnerability

Qualys has recently uncovered a critical vulnerability in OpenSSH and has raised concerns about...

Hacker group accessed emails of Microsoft customers

Microsoft has recently begun reaching out to certain customers to alert them that their...

Google Launches $250K Bug Bounty Contest for VM Hypervisor

Google has recently initiated a vulnerability reward program (VRP) aimed at enticing individuals to...

Pressure mounts for Indonesia’s communications minister to resign after cyberattack

The Indonesian communications and informatics minister, Budi Arie Setiadi, is under intense public scrutiny...

Three New State-Backed Gangs Target Government Sectors Using HEAT Attack Methods

Cybersecurity experts are sounding the alarm as global cyber gangs continue to evolve, employing...

Sony Enters Cryptocurrency Exchange Market by Acquiring Amber

Sony Group, a renowned Japanese conglomerate known for its expertise in gaming, music, and...

Vulnerability in OpenSSH called regreSSHion places millions of servers in jeopardy

Researchers have detailed a new exploit that takes advantage of a vulnerability in the...

Number of Prudential Data Breach Victims Grows to 2.5 Million

Prudential Financial is facing a major data breach crisis, with the initial disclosure of...