Академија Фиса

Sébastien Raoult, the French hacker and aspiring millionaire, anticipates his sentence

Sébastien Raoult, a 22-year-old Frenchman from Epinal, is facing a crucial moment in his life as he awaits a verdict from the American courts in Seattle. His journey from boasting about his hacking success on Discord to being extradited to the US after being...

Criminal IP Achieves PCI DSS v4.0 Certification, Strengthening Payment Security through High-Level Compliance

In a recent development, AI SPERA, a prominent Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) company based in Torrance, United States, has successfully obtained PCI DSS v4.0 certification for its flagship search engine solution, Criminal IP. This achievement comes on the heels of the company's previous certification...

Наставите да истражујете

Attackers Abuse Google Ad Feature to Target Slack, Notion Users

 Attackers are once again abusing Google Ads to target people with info-stealing malware, this time...

CISA ransomware warning program will launch this year

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, an arm of the Department of Homeland...

Hackers Behind the Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack Just Received a $22 Million Payment

 The transaction, visible on Bitcoin's blockchain, suggests the victim of one of the...

Пхобос Рансомваре агресивно циља на критичну инфраструктуру САД

Америчке агенције за сајбер безбједност и обавјештајне службе упозориле су на нападе рансомваре-а Пхобос усмјерене на владу и критичне...

Рансомваре банда тврди да су украли 6ТБ података Цханге Хеалтхцаре

 Банда БлацкЦат/АЛПХВ рансомваре-а званично је преузела одговорност за сајбер напад на Оптум,...

what you need to know

The Guidelines for Secure AI System Development, published by the NCSC and developed with...

Неактивни ПиПИ пакет је компромитован ради ширења злонамерног софтвера Нова Сентинел

 Неактивни пакет доступан у спремишту Питхон индекса пакета (ПиПИ) је ажуриран...

SmartScreen Vulnerability: CVE-2024-21412 Facts and Fixes

On Feb. 13, 2024, Microsoft issued a patch for CVE-2024-21412, a Microsoft Defender SmartScreen vulnerability revolving around...

Мустанг Панда циља на Азију са напредним ДОПЛУГС варијантама ПлугКс

 Претња повезан са Кином, познат као Мустанг Панда, циљао је разне азијске земље...

How to Achieve the Best Risk-Based Alerting (Bye-Bye SIEM)

Are you aware of Network Detection and Response (NDR) and how it's become the most...

Хакери повезани са Русијом циљају 80+ организација преко Роундцубе недостатака

 Актери претњи који послују са интересима повезаним са Белорусијом и Русијом повезани су...

Најновији чланци

Sébastien Raoult, the French hacker and aspiring millionaire, anticipates his sentence

Sébastien Raoult, a 22-year-old Frenchman from Epinal, is facing a crucial moment in his...

Criminal IP Achieves PCI DSS v4.0 Certification, Strengthening Payment Security through High-Level Compliance

In a recent development, AI SPERA, a prominent Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) company based...

Human firewalls play a vital role in safeguarding SaaS environments

In today's modern business landscape, the reliance on Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions...

The Cybersecurity Game of Cat and Mouse

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the battle between threat actors and defenders continues...