КућаУправљање ризицимаPalo Alto Networks and Cisco Lead in OT Defense Forrester Wave

Palo Alto Networks and Cisco Lead in OT Defense Forrester Wave

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Palo Alto Networks has made significant strides in the operational technology (OT) security space, climbing into the leader category in Forrester’s recent OT security rankings. While Cisco retained its top position, Claroty and Tenable slipped to the strong performer category.

The shift from a network-centric to an asset- and data-centric security approach has presented challenges, particularly with legacy equipment, according to Forrester Principal Analyst Brian Wrozek. Implementing modern security measures, such as digital certificates and multifactor authentication, in older OT systems can be complicated due to reluctance around aggressive scanning and system isolation for more critical assets.

The increase in ransomware and geopolitical threats targeting OT environments has highlighted the need for stronger security measures and cross-domain protections. Despite these obstacles, there is a noticeable trend towards addressing identity-based threats, adopting zero trust models, and leveraging cloud-based management and security solutions within OT environments.

Leading companies like Palo Alto Networks and Cisco have differentiated themselves from traditional OT-specific vendors by offering comprehensive solutions that cater to both the IT and OT security needs of industrial organizations. Their broad tech stacks encompass asset identification, threat detection, and secure remote access, providing a holistic approach to protection.

The demand for OT security solutions varies among organizations, with smaller entities preferring a unified platform for simplicity, while larger firms in critical industries may opt for specialized offerings from OT security vendors. Microsoft and Honeywell have increased their presence in the OT security space through acquisitions and significant investments.

The latest Forrester Wave report on OT security highlights the evolving market landscape, with a shift towards specific use cases like asset discovery, threat identification, and vulnerability protection. The emphasis on identity management is expected to grow in OT environments, driven by the need for tighter control over human and machine identities.

Aside from the top players, the report also identifies strong performers and contenders in the OT security market, including companies like Claroty, Tenable, Dragos, Fortinet, and Armis. With the move towards cloud solutions in OT security, there are new challenges to address, while generative AI is anticipated to enhance security and operational capabilities in the future.

Palo Alto Networks recently introduced ruggedized firewalls tailored for outdoor and harsh environments to better serve industrial control systems and operational technology settings. By offering holistic OT security solutions that integrate visibility, segmentation, policy generation, and asset utilization, the company aims to streamline OT security management across various verticals.

Cisco has focused on unifying security information across IT and OT environments to enhance visibility and automate decision-making processes. Investments in technologies like Splunk have bolstered network analysis capabilities and improved threat response. The company’s adherence to the Purdue model and commitment to centralizing security information are key differentiators in the market.

As the OT security landscape continues to evolve, the integration of IT and OT systems will drive the need for new security approaches to address the blended threat landscape effectively. Overall, the emphasis on identity management, cloud solutions, and advanced technologies like AI will shape the future of OT security.

In conclusion, the Forrester Wave report highlights the evolving nature of the OT security market, with companies like Palo Alto Networks and Cisco leading the way in providing comprehensive solutions for industrial organizations. The focus on identity management, cloud solutions, and advanced technologies will be vital in mitigating emerging threats and securing OT environments effectively.

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