CyberSecurity SEE

Stealthy Steganography Backdoor Attacks Aimed at Android Apps

Stealthy Steganography Backdoor Attacks Aimed at Android Apps

Researchers have developed a new backdoor attack technique known as BARWM, which stands for Backdoor Attack using DNN-based Steganography on Real-World Models. This innovative approach aims to overcome the limitations of existing backdoor attacks by generating imperceptible and sample-specific triggers for deep learning models deployed on mobile devices.

Traditional backdoor attacks often involve altering the structure of the model or using easily detectable triggers that make the attack vulnerable to detection and mitigation. BARWM, on the other hand, utilizes deep neural network (DNN)-based steganography to embed hidden messages within images, creating unique and nearly undetectable backdoors for each input sample.

To test the effectiveness of BARWM, the researchers extracted real-world deep learning models from mobile apps and converted them into trainable models while preserving their original behavior. The core of BARWM lies in its ability to generate unique and imperceptible triggers for each input sample, significantly enhancing the stealthiness of the attack and making it more challenging to identify and defend against.

The researchers conducted rigorous evaluations of BARWM on four state-of-the-art DNN models and compared its performance with existing methods, including DeepPayload and two other typical backdoor attack approaches. The results showed that BARWM outperformed these baseline methods in terms of both attack success rate and stealthiness. It achieved a higher attack success rate while maintaining the normal performance of the models, and the backdoor triggers it generated were significantly more difficult to detect compared to triggers produced by other methods.

In addition to the controlled experiments, the researchers also tested BARWM on real-world DL models extracted from mobile apps, demonstrating its superior effectiveness and robustness in practical scenarios. The findings underscore the urgent need for robust defense mechanisms to protect against the growing threat of sophisticated backdoor attacks on deep learning systems.

Overall, the development of BARWM represents a significant contribution to the field of backdoor attacks, showcasing the potential for highly effective and stealthy attacks on real-world DL models. As deep learning systems become increasingly prevalent in various applications, safeguarding their security and privacy against malicious attacks such as BARWM is paramount.

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