HomeCII/OTGenAI empowers cybersecurity leaders to recruit additional entry-level talent

GenAI empowers cybersecurity leaders to recruit additional entry-level talent

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GenAI empowers cybersecurity leaders to recruit additional entry-level talent

In a recent global survey conducted by Splunk, it was found that 93% of security leaders have implemented GenAI in their organizations, with 91% using it specifically for cybersecurity operations. The survey included 1,650 security leaders who reported that managing cybersecurity has become easier in recent years. However, they now face a race against adversaries to effectively utilize GenAI tools.

One of the key findings of the survey was that while organizations have widely adopted GenAI tools, many lack a clear policy regarding its use, and a significant portion of respondents do not fully understand the implications of GenAI. Despite these challenges, 44% of respondents ranked GenAI as a top initiative for 2024, surpassing cloud security as the top priority. There is a divide among cybersecurity leaders on whether GenAI will benefit threat actors or cybersecurity defenders, with 45% believing it will favor threat actors and 43% saying it will give defenders the edge.

Patrick Coughlin, SVP of Global Technical Sales at Splunk, commented on the current landscape, stating, “We are in an AI gold rush, with bad actors and security professionals both trying to seize the advantage. The introduction of GenAI creates new opportunities for organizations to streamline processes, increase productivity, and limit staff burnout. Unfortunately, GenAI also presents unprecedented advantages for threat actors. To combat this new threat landscape, defenders must outpace threat actors in the race to harness and securely deploy the power of GenAI.”

GenAI also offers new opportunities for organizations in terms of cybersecurity hiring and onboarding entry-level talent more efficiently. The report suggests that 86% of cybersecurity leaders believe GenAI can help them hire more entry-level talent to fill the skills gap, and 58% anticipate quicker onboarding processes thanks to the technology. Additionally, 90% of security executives believe GenAI can assist entry-level talent in developing their skills in the Security Operations Center (SOC).

On the compliance front, security professionals are facing increasing pressures due to stricter requirements, with personal liability becoming a concern for many. This has led to job-related stress for 70% of professionals, with 76% considering cybersecurity a less attractive field due to personal liability. Additionally, changing compliance mandates have led to budget shifts prioritizing compliance regulations over security best practices, as reported by 86% of security professionals.

In conclusion, the adoption of GenAI in cybersecurity operations presents both opportunities and challenges for organizations and security professionals. While it has the potential to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and facilitate hiring practices, it also introduces new risks and compliance pressures that must be carefully navigated to ensure the security and effectiveness of cybersecurity operations. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve in leveraging GenAI will be crucial for organizations and defenders alike.

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